GL of Florida


Masonic Mafia
Do they ask you your religion and skin color ?

Kind of a pain in the a** to travel then . Because we have no such requirement and since he included my state (again his picture of "southern" states and the rebel flag) in his little rant my statement still stands . He is full of sh*t .

ETA: we have had visitors from NC , SC , TN , WV , OH , NY , FLA , and many other states and not once have we received a call , a letter , a GL officer come to inform of us of their future visitations . They just show up , we try them and they are in , some have been black and we have no idea what religion they follow because we do not ask .


Active Member
He has a habit of doing this. He has a "beef" with mainstream masonry in the southern US. I know that there has been proof that shows his statements to be wrong posted to his blog but he refuses to let them be seen. It is sad to see a brother do this type of thing. Unfortunately, he is showing the hatred that he is claiming to fight.

Bob Franks

Past District Deputy Grand Lecturer
Actually, my jurisdiction requires permission to visit outside of our jurisdiction. The Brother informs his WM who contacts the GL and they in turn contact the jurisdiction the Brother will be traveling to.
That would be very cumbersome for me! I like to find out what lodges are meeting, especially for degree work, when I find out a night my wife has something planned that only she like to do.
Does this checking 'through the chain of command' take more than a couple of hours?



I've been here before
That would be very cumbersome for me! I like to find out what lodges are meeting, especially for degree work, when I find out a night my wife has something planned that only she like to do.
Does this checking 'through the chain of command' take more than a couple of hours?
It only applies when intending to make Masonic contact outside of my home (Grand Lodge) jurisdiction. Not visiting other Lodges in my home jurisdiction. For instance, when I knew I was moving to Florida I notified my WM and District Deputy that I would making contact with Masonic Lodges here. No further issue. When I was WM and Brothers from my Lodge were traveling overseas I had to let the Grand Lodge know and they contacted the Grand Lodge of the places they were traveling. Then my Grand Lodge let me know what jurisdictions they were welcome in and the contact names and numbers there.

Bob Franks

Past District Deputy Grand Lecturer
"Masonic contact"?
I visit SC 4 times a year; IN, KY, and TN at least annually.
One time visiting KY, my host (Bro Tim...) told me that a nearby lodge was conferring the MM Degree that night. (Have you ever seen a KY MMD? WOW!)
Would you be able to spontaneously visit under those circumstances?

Now, when I travel overseas, it is much more planned and arranged through the Grand Secretary (AF&AM) of NC, to visit lodges.



I've been here before
Technically, it is usually not frowned on if the Brother has known acquaintances in that jurisdiction in Regular Masonry and is invited. It happens all the time. I have been travelling and did not intend to visit a Lodge and just happened to meet some Brothers and got invited to Lodge. I'm merely stating the letter of the law, not the spirit.


What Does the Words Free And Accepted meaning you do not oblige by the saying? Anyone that believes in the S.B. in my eyes Gould be accepted, now not everyone is going to agree on the background of a Brothers, belief, but if this brother, is in good standing, should he be charged?


I've been here before
What Does the Words Free And Accepted meaning you do not oblige by the saying? Anyone that believes in the S.B. in my eyes Gould be accepted, now not everyone is going to agree on the background of a Brothers, belief, but if this brother, is in good standing, should he be charged?
Not sure exactly what you are asking here. Free and Accepted does not mean everyone is accepted into a Lodge meeting. There are many pretenders out there today. Clandestine bodies who have no business claiming the mantle.


Free and Accepted in my eyes, is anyone who believes in the S. B. and is of good standings. Their are many different opinions in regards to beliefs and how one should dress, from county, city, state and country. Their will never be a complete agreeable system in our Brotherhood. Now you may find what is unacceptable to one Lodge, may be acceptable to another. My Mentor, has taught me that as their are many commonalities tat is the same in differences. Now if you started questioning every Brother, in every Lodge, what trust do we have in our Fraternal bond. None of us is perfect, but we make the best out of life for others. The U. K. Is claiming that Lodges, that they do not agree with Social Clubs. Where does it end?


Active Member
Not every lodge is recognized. We can not just accept it when someone says they are a mason. It depends on their Grand lodge and if they are in amnity with mine if they can visit. For example, there is a brother that has moved to the town I live in. The lodge where he was from no longer exists so he does not have a current dues card. He is trying to get a current dues card from that Grand Lodge. Since there is no one here that has sat in lodge with him to vouch for him, he is not allowed into our lodge without a current dues card. You are correct that none of us are perfect. We all fall short. Bowever, we must follow the rules set forth by our respective Grand Lodges.


I definitely agree of following the laws of the grand lodges.The story you have explained is exactly my point from county, city, state and country, their will be differences in laws. I'am not saying to accept anyone, because their is a process that must be followed. The Brothers, of good standings, who has been very intricate to our fraternity of Brotherhood, that does believe in the GAOTU, but is being questioned how do they believe in which way and if it is not found sufficient they will be charged. I can't get my head around that. These questions should have been asked from the beginning. What does this show for our trust in our Brotherhood?


Troll Stomper
Staff member
After reading that article I figured it would fire some Brothers up! lol I truly hope that practice was not the norm.
You sir, are the proverbial Golden Spoon... LOL ;)

I honestly don't believe that practice is the norm.


Masonic Mafia
I am much calmer this beautiful Winter morn' . Nothing like getting all fired up and then spend hours shopping with the wife during all the after-Christmas sales LOL !!