Has this ever happened to you?

Custer... I need to add that when I say work... I mean I am there...LOL....going back to 5 days a week would be weird...after 10 yrs of this schedule....


Yeah, 40 hour work weeks took me two years to get used to. I had been doing 24/48's for nearly 20 years at that point.

My suspicions were confirmed. Pneumonia. :(

Now I have a crap load of meds to take for the Holidays. Oh joy. Going to pick those up from the pharmacy now.


Masonic Traveler
Custer... I need to add that when I say work... I mean I am there...LOL....going back to 5 days a week would be weird...after 10 yrs of this schedule....
fireman, with my job, up till 2 years ago, was a blast -- it involved driving a school bus full of 35 or 40 "little darlings" twice a day (it helped keep me young). Now I have changed districts and I am stuck in the office during routes and in the shop the rest of the time. I almost think I would welcome 24 on 48 off ....... NOT. I'll stick with the 5 days 9 - 10 hrs per day. Now I have a growing forehead.LOL
This schedule is not for everyone......we have a neighboring department that works 24 on 72 off....thats sweet but a department across town works 48/96....not sure if I would like that.....working 5 days, does that mean you can only sleep in 2 days???:eek:


This schedule is not for everyone......we have a neighboring department that works 24 on 72 off....thats sweet but a department across town works 48/96....not sure if I would like that.....working 5 days, does that mean you can only sleep in 2 days???:eek:
Yes, it does Brother. But the perks are that I sleep in my own bed every night and I don't have to be awakened by alarms going off at all hours of the night (for mostly non-emergent BS calls) anymore. It also means that I get ALL of the holidays off with full pay. :cool:
Pros and cons.......I doubt in my career I will ever be in your situation....my dept is too small...only 1 40 person...COD.....well if I get hired down south on a bigger dept maybe....I have thought about FL...just a pain to get FL certs...


We aren't huge by any means. 150 or so Line combat personnel.

As far as the certs, If you are a NR-EMT, you can challenge the state EMT test. You can also challenge the Fire exams. No reciprocity in Florida. Yeah, it can be a pain, but it ain't impossible.

What makes it more difficult is that most departments aren't hosting their own agility/hiring testing anymore. They go through a CPAT certified testing company who tests candidates, ranks them, and then blasts out their results to departments statewide for hiring consideration. The competition is fierce to say the least. That pretty much eliminates departments from hiring "every day is my first day" employees.
Got the IFSAC fire cert...was told from someone at the FL fire commission that they would accept my FFI but would have to take my II in FL...got the EMT covered....