Inappropriate Behavior


New Member
I love the water and beach and we had a family get together at the lake for the holiday. We went down to the beach to enjoy the 4th and their were 6 boys about 18 digging a hole in the sand in front of us no big deal right?! Well about 15 minutes after we set up one of the boys built a man part out of the sand. Vary upsetting to all that walked by with kids and a few people stopped and told the boys it was inappropriate. They were very disrespectful to all that said anything. It especially upset me that we had a 6 yr old, my 3 yr old, and a 2 yr old sitting only a couple feet away. So my family all went in the water and I was watching 2 of them and my infant. So I went over and said something to the one kid left (the rest went of a swim) he said "not my problem" and laid back down in the sun..I went over and knocked it into there hole. They came back out of the water and were mad. Tough it was ridicules and rude of them! they also left their gigantic hole and so the kids and I filled it in as much as we could so no child would fall in and get hurt. I can't believe how disrespectful the kids are now a days..I blame the government for making parents scared to discipline their children and parents for not teaching kids manners or how to behave in society!


Masonic Mafia
I COULD NOT AGREE MORE ! It blows my mind how kids talk to adults these days . They are no longer taught to respect their elders . In another thread I posted about a 9 or 10 year olds using my sidewalk steps as a skateboard ramp . They even had the gall to help themselves to my porch (and with sue happy people these days you don't know who will sue a person anymore) . I told them to leave and one boy , no older than 9 or 10 flipped me off and to go f#$k myself . I would have never dreamed of saying such a thing to an adult . I have since talked to the boys parents and you know what , they were PROUD of him for it . The father laughed and said "That's my boy! " Now these same boys have dirts bikes and are tearing up the street with them . The cops have told them and their parents to quit riding them on city streets and other peoples property , but no sooner than the cops leave the parents turn them loose again .


New Member

That is so absurd! I would never dream of doing that when I was that age nor now at 30! I am sorry that you have to deal with that kind of crap, especially in the city limits! I raise my boys with how I see fit to raise them and if that means spanking them or time outs than so be it! I don't beat him but he does get a couple spanks to know he was in the wrong. Sad to think of the type of children my son's will be around when they are in school! Maybe I will just home school them!


New Member
One of the many reasons that we are considering homeschooling as well. Teachers aren't allowed to teach anymore because of all the discipline problems.


New Member
It is getting worse, I agree. This is why when my daughter hits the 7th grade, it's homeschooling time. I don't want her picking up all of societies bad habits.


New Member
That is pretty rude I do have to say. I would have kicked it in too, or had my hubby do it. What a bunch of bratty teenagers! You are right though, I wouldn't have mouthed off to my parents the way my daughter does it to me from time to time. It's crazy!


New Member
It is sad the direction that this country has taken. The children are modeling that which they see from their own parents, and our society at large. The decline in civility is across the board in my opinion.


New Member
Where were the park rangers or life guard during this whole thing? It looks like they would have stepped in once the kids did nothing after people had told them to stop. If I had done something like that when I was that age, my parents would have killed me. I'd still have been grounded.:) It is pitiful though, what kids get away with now. I was always taught to respect my elders and not to talk back. I think that way of thinking has dropped by the wayside now, mores the pity.


New Member
I don't think that kids are modeling their parents. I don't know any adults that would have done that! It's sad! I wondered the same? Where were the lifeguards? They could have put an end to it.


New Member
Their are no life guards on the beach. You have to walk out pretty far to even to get wast high. It is posted swim at your own risk. I think we need to get back to not being afraid to discipline our children and I agree with homeschooling as a better opprotunity to educate our children how to be respectful responsible adults!


New Member
I have never understood the whole defiant teenager thing. I understand the need to be your own person, push some boundaries and even rebel, but who gets joy out of making everyone else mad? I don't get it.


New Member
I came back to this discussion. I cannot believe these kids were getting away with this. We were wild kids and I know it, but we didn't do things like this and get away with it. We were more of the type who went off and had a bon fire. As far as disciplining kids, I think our civil liberties have been compromised to the point that kids have no reason to care what their parents think. I had a granddaughter one day who I was going to spank-not beat-spank with an open hand. She looked at me and told me she would call child services on me. I told her to go ahead and she would get two spankings plus be grounded from everything electronic for a month. I told her there was a long time between the time she called them and the time they got to our house. She didn't call.

I don't believe in abusing kids, but I do believe in disciplining them. My parents tanned my hide quite a bit because I was a rebellious child. But I also knew they unconditionally loved me and wouldn't hurt me. I think we care too much what someone in an "agency" would think about disciplining our children. Just my opinion of course but I was raised this way and it made me a better person and one that could live in society without causing a problem like you described.


New Member
I couldn't agree with you more! I would say the same thing if my child said they were gonna call on me. That is absurd and yes their is a huge variance between spanking and beating! I think we should go back to the discipline our parents seemed to work better than this 'time out' or what not nonsense.


Masonic Traveler
I have to admit I was spanked as a child, and I also must admit I deserved every one of them. I am not in counseling saying that my problems have been caused by being spanked or that my mother is the reason I act out my aggressions. I think there is entirely too much blame placed on the discipline a person received as a child, and not enough placed on the lack of discipline received. I have noticed that the current parenting practice is to reason with the child and not teach them that their actions have consequences. I know that this would not have worked with me as a child, I was too hardheaded, but the swat or two on my rear got my attention.


Masonic Mafia
Agreed Custer . Timeouts and groundings were of no use to me and I was so stubborn that reasoning with me would be like trying to reason with a tree when I was young . What kept me in line was the fear of spankings . My parents did not beat , hit me in the face , twist my arm or pull my hair but they did tan my bottom . If I was about to do something stupid , I would think to myself "will this get me a spanking" and if the answer was yes then I refrained (well , most of the time) . I hate hearing adults today calling spankings barbaric , these are the same parents I see in public who's kids are acting like little idiots , while the parents are acting like everything is fine or just ignoring their antics and saying "kids will be kids" .

Another thing I have noticed , right here on my street , is kids do not have to do chores anymore or work period . I have neighbors with tweens and teenagers who pay to have their yardwork done while they kids are inside laying in front of a TV playing video games . Kids today are not raised with a strong work ethics like we were . I was raised on a farm and did farm work from the time I was old enough to hold a hoe and was mowing grass from the time I could look over the top of the lawn mower handle , before that I was using "hand clippers" to do the grass trimming around the yard , no weedeater for me ( well , weedeaters were unheard of then) . We knew what it was like to earn a buck when we were young , I and none of my friends did not get allowances , we worked for it . If I did nothing around the house , then Dad and Mom gave me no money for anything . Nothing was free , everything was earned . And this also goes a long way in how children act and/or conduct themselves . Children have a false sense of entitlement now .


New Member
LOL @ Tensolater! Yeah, my dad did alright at the spankings too. But you know what was worse, he talked to me and told me how disappointed he was in me for doing whatever it was I had done wrong. THEN he spanked me. I don't think that child protective services and the regulation of what people could do to discipline their kids has helped our society any at all. As far as the sense of entitlement-I agree there too. I don't think I ever got anything in my life without working for it. I've seen kids ready to "do" or "take" things that are out of their reach for one reason or another and it has ruined our youth. A lot more work and a lot more discipline are great for raising kids.

I was a Marine and when I was a Marine we towed the mark. I think even the military has gone soft on the kids that are going in there now. I see a lot of young men who think it's a lark when they go in. It gives them unreal expectations for when they are in active duty in war time. The enemy is not going to ask them to wait a bit before they shoot them because their iPod isn't working. I would rather be taught how to handle myself on the battlefield and know how to keep myself from getting killed.


Masonic Traveler
The "I'm disappointed in you" speech from dad was worse than any spanking, that was one thing I never wanted to do, disappoint my dad. I have used the same speech on my kids and I think it has changed their minds a couple of times. It has made them aware that their parents notice things and want them to be the best that they can be.


Masonic Mafia
LOL @ Tensolater! Yeah, my dad did alright at the spankings too. But you know what was worse, he talked to me and told me how disappointed he was in me for doing whatever it was I had done wrong. THEN he spanked me. I don't think that child protective services and the regulation of what people could do to discipline their kids has helped our society any at all. As far as the sense of entitlement-I agree there too. I don't think I ever got anything in my life without working for it. I've seen kids ready to "do" or "take" things that are out of their reach for one reason or another and it has ruined our youth. A lot more work and a lot more discipline are great for raising kids.

I was a Marine and when I was a Marine we towed the mark. I think even the military has gone soft on the kids that are going in there now. I see a lot of young men who think it's a lark when they go in. It gives them unreal expectations for when they are in active duty in war time. The enemy is not going to ask them to wait a bit before they shoot them because their iPod isn't working. I would rather be taught how to handle myself on the battlefield and know how to keep myself from getting killed.
I too was a Marine and you can blame the Mothers of Amerca for our beloved Marine Corps going soft . Little Johnny would write home to Mommy to tell her that the DIs' yelled at him and called him names or boot camp is too hard , then Mommy would write their Congressman to complain , and as the old saying goes , crap rolls down hill . So to keep politicians off their backs the Marine Corps made changes on how they train their recruits . I was taken to the whiskey locker a couple of times and when I came out , I never screwed up again . It's hard to believe how a couple of punches to the gut will straighten you right out .


New Member
So sad today. Too funny though because my son's name is Johnny! So you made me laugh. We give the " I am dissappointed speech" too and it works well. I also got it from my dad one time and never again needed it. He never spanked us that I recall, but he claims he did when we were real little and it stuck so he didn't have to when we got older.