Knights of Columbus


Lodge Chaplain & arms dealer
Yes, but fortunately, what's left of my hair covers it.

But would you want your sister to date one? Sorry ... couldn't resist. :D
OH, we are hairline brothers, mine is like the sea, no parting.
I wish my sister would date someone, even a Catholic Mason :D


Staff member
I have a whole bunch. If I can ever the guy to finish the new front end for the articles I plan on adding a gallery of them all. I do not think any of them are high enough quality though to do prints of.


New Member
Each year, the Sunday before Christmas my Commandery hosts a Christmas observance in conjunction with the local KofC open to all Masons and Knights to celebrate the year past and to acknowledge the passing of our bretheren from both groups to the Eternal Grand Lodge. We have a very good relationship with them. They recipricate with a celebration at their hall after the New Year.


New Member
Rumor has it Columbus was a freemason. His Father in law was a Sinclair of Rosslyn Chapel fame and his Ships had the Templar Cross on the sails.


New Member
I joined the Knights of Columbus before I became I Mason. I had always wanted to be a Mason but my father in law is a Knight so I thought I would give it a shot. It did not even come close to fulfilling me the way Masonry has. I am not downing the organization by any means, but it is not for me. I am a practicing Roman Catholic and find nothing in Freemasonry that is in conflict with my religion or my ability to practice it fully. The Knights' Council in my town is very inactive. They meet in a dingy room below the church that they have been talking about fixing for 5 years and have yet to do anything. They push you through their degrees without teaching you the meaning of it. They are more concerned with selling their life insurance than they are with building their men to be better. At the end of it all, I left the Knights and joined the Freemasons and it was the best decision I have ever made. Freemasonry was something I wanted since I was able to understand what it was and the KofC did not fill that place in my heart.