World Wide Exemplification of Freemasonry



GaryE......can you down load it and send it to people?
The video? No. It appears the only way to save a copy is by using Apple's Quicktime Pro.

I was going to try to save a copy and then convert it to a friendlier format, but someone locked the source of the video on their page. I can't view it anymore at the source to try and save the copy that way.

I was kidding about blaming you for the lock out-tag out on their site btw- internet in the lodge.......wait a second, we dont even have a phone......I did see a morse code machine in the Tylers room...LOL

Bob Franks

Past District Deputy Grand Lecturer
Click on the YouTube in the corner and "Watch on Youtube" will pop up and it will take you to Youtube's site and you can then click on the "share" button and get the download URL .
All I get is a blank black screen. No "YouTube." Can someone post the download URL?


Bob Franks

Past District Deputy Grand Lecturer
Bob.....the new one isnt on youtube....

The Four Crowned Ones...It was the newest video. Posted last night.
Yeah, that's the one I can't watch. One of the Brothers said there was a YouTube logo in the lower right corner...
If there's a link to it for another format, I need it. QuickTime is not working for me.



Don't ever tell me it can't be done. where there is a will there is a way. :cool:

I researched the site, and there is no copyright or notice not to download. You can save the file freely if you have Apple Quick Time Pro. So, as far as I know I haven't violated any laws or anything.

I used a work around and retrieved the file. I have converted it to a Windows media file and will post a link to view it. I should have it ready in a few minutes.


Lodge Chaplain & arms dealer
Just finished watching it with Quicktime. Old laptop almost had a coronary doing!

Very interesting.


This is a converted version of the lecture for those that missed it due to technological problems with the original format. It has not been altered in any way.

Well, it's altered in the sense that the video/audio sync is not right. That was the fault of the converter, but you should be able to enjoy the lecture just the same.

YouTube - 0001.wmv


I just realized that You Tube cut the last half of the video off...:mad:

If anyone knows of a better site that will allow a 35 minute video...Let me know.


I pressed on the download link above the QT frame.
I don't know.
I was able to finally download it. Luckily, it didn't take as long as yours did but that could have been to the traffic the site was getting at the time.


I've been here before
Watching it now. So far, I'm a fan. I'm glad to see this kind of regular presentation more often. And from such a respected body, no less. Lets face it, the Quatuor Coronati Lodge, No. 2076 is the gold standard of Masonic research!