How old is your Lodge?


Masonic Traveler
My lodge is 124 years old and on June 17, 2011, 125 years to the day the lodge received it's charter, we are planning a lodge re-dedication as well as a lunch and reception of the Grand Master. I am putting together a history of the lodge and hope to be able to have it completed this year. My family has been a part of this lodge since it was founded (my great-grandfather was a charter member) and I would like to continue that tradition and preserve it's history. The Grand Lodge of Nebraska is only 154 years old.


New Member
My Lodge was first officially chartered in 1786 - we celebrate 224 years next Friday - but was probably formed in a looser fashion in 1780. We plan on doing an original Ritual I next year, using the Ritual from about 1790 for an Initiation.


New Member
I'm not sure of the exact year, plus its not in its original location. Monitor Lodge was formed on Fort Monroe in Hampton, Virginia during the Civil War. The Union soldiers assigned to the USS Monitor, the US Navy's first ironclad warship, established the lodge because many of them were Masons from Maryland. So originally my lodge was under the Grand Lodge of Maryland. Later it was moved off of Fort Monroe and into the city itself and became holden to the Grand Lodge of Virginia.
I was just Raised to Master Mason in June of 2009. My Lodge, Philanthropic Lodge in Marblehead Mass, celebrated it's 250th annaversery in 2009. We have offically over 500 members.


My Lodge is young compared to many of those mentioned so far. Thirty two years old as of May 3rd 2010. Nothing special about it that I am aware of except that it's only a block away from my house... :D


Staff member
My Lodge is young compared to many of those mentioned so far. Thirty two years old as of May 3rd 2010. Nothing special about it that I am aware of except that it's only a block away from my house... :D
I may be wrong, but I do believe your Lodge was split from my Lodge. :D I know there was a split, but cannot remember if it was Spring Hill or another one. I do know it was north of us though. Still need to make a visit up there.


Hmmm. I'm not sure if it was us or not either. But if it was, somebody forgot to take the cool paintings you guys have with them to this lodge...:D

And YES, you do need to come up for a visit one of these days.

greatness in you

New Member
Mystic in Pittsfield MA

We proudly celebrated our 200th this year in May.It is a proud old lodge shared by Crescent pittsfield as well.


New Member
Corner Stone Lodge in Duxbury, Ma.

Corner Stone Lodge was constituted in 1801. We are fortunate enough to be still using the original Officers Jewels that were crafted and presented to the Lodge by Most Worshipful Paul Revere. Corner Stone Lodge is also one of only two moon lodges left in Massachusetts meaning that we meet on or before the full moon.


Corner Stone Lodge was constituted in 1801. We are fortunate enough to be still using the original Officers Jewels that were crafted and presented to the Lodge by Most Worshipful Paul Revere. Corner Stone Lodge is also one of only two moon lodges left in Massachusetts meaning that we meet on or before the full moon.
That's really cool!


New Member
Sincerity Lodge #181 in Odenton, Maryland will celebrate its 125th year next June.

I've just been named by our WM as the planning committee chairman charged with devising an appropriate celebration and related activities. Any and all suggestions are greatly appreciated.

1. Re-Dedication by MWGM - Excellent idea!
My Lodge... Aurora #51 F&AM Grand Lodge of Indiana was chartered in 1844.....not exactly sure of month and day , but I will find out and update ASAP