Why a bad name...


Sir Knight & 32 GL of VA
To the Anti-masons no amout of good works...

Dear Friend,

I don't know if Ron Paul is a Mason or not, but I do really understand the interaction that can happen when those who are dedicated to being anti-masons decide to attack a member of the craft. I have experienced one such group when I was working answering questions to those interest in joing a lodge or even just asking questions about what being a Mason means.
What started as a simple question, which I picked up and tried to answer ended up in this person listing my name on an anti-mason web site and suggesting that I was dishonest in every aspect of my life. It took an attorney to finally make them go away, and really caused me to walk away from posting on the internet in any great degree.

What Masons stand for and defend are the same things any honorable and right thinking person will with one small exception. Freemasonry, at least from the Ancient Free and Accepted Masonic Lodges, is an organization for men only. That aspect has drawn a great deal of critical writing and unfavorable press, but it is, at least from my point of view, the way I would rather have things. I love the company of women, and especially my wife and 3 daughters, but there are moments where time spent with brothers is treasured as well.

I have traveled along the path of enlightenment for many years and have encountered many wonderful travelers on that road, but =I have always had the benefit of a knowing sign or token to help me recognize a brother.
Please do listen to the Anti-masons, they make some really good arguments for being a part of freemasonry, just read it all with an open mind, and understand that they believe what they are howling is true, even though they have not visited a lodge or know masons. I have never seen their efforts as anything more than loud and unreasonable, but without a real viable threat beyond being an irritation. When I had my attorney contact the owners of their website, all of the harassment stopped within days.

I am unqualified to determine if Mr. Paul is a viable candidate for any office, but his membership in the Freemasons is the very least of significance to the voters. Look to his platform and programs, if that is a good match for your values, please vote your will. I am also unsure if he is a Mason.

Sincerely & Fraternally,



Active Member
For those actually interested in the answer to when the "bad" name started I thought I might try to answer that a little. The first known written anti-masonic attack actually came long before the first GL was established in 1717. Robert Plot published Natural History of Staffordshire in 1686. See the text HERE.

It seems that there has always been anti-masonic feelings out there.